SDG&E Third Party Data Request Log

For convenience, SDG&E publishes a log of customer energy usage data requests made by third parties. All requests made by third parties based on CPUC 14-05-16, including the name of the third party and the final disposition of the request, can be found here. Note that it may take up to one business day for a request to be published here after it has been submitted.

Status definitions:

  • In Review: Request is being reviewed
  • In Process: Request is in the process of being fulfilled
  • Completed: Request has been fulfilled
  • Request Incomplete: Request requires additional information to be processed
  • Denied: Request has been denied
  • Cancelled: Request has been cancelled
64 items found, displaying 1 to 10. [First/ Prev] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [Next/ Last]
Last updated on : 12/03/2024 17:02:13 PM UTC
Request ID Complete Request Received (YYYYMMDD) Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Energy Data Type Status Date Closed (YYYYMMDD)
EDA3065230 20201102 City of National City Local Governments Local Government Climate Action Inventory Project Electric and Gas (Mixed) In Process
EDA3007276 20200928 Energy Institute at Haas Academic Institutions/Researchers Researcher project to advance achieving  electrification goals that are critical to decarbonization. Electric Only (Residential) Completed 20210914
EDA3066391 20200806 U.S. Department of Energy State and Federal Agencies Federal request for Commercial  Consumption Buildings Energy Consumption Survey Electric Only (Commercial) Completed
EDA3012206 20200507 Purdue University Academic Institutions/Researchers Research project characterizing urban resilience under extreme events such as heat waves. Electric and Gas (Mixed) Completed
EDA3009574 20200319 Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley Academic Institutions/Researchers Researcher project on household decisions to invest in electrification.  Electric Only (Residential) Completed 20210112
EDA3007339 20200124 San Diego Association of Governments Local Governments Local Government Request for Climate Action Plan Monitoring Electric and Gas (Mixed) Completed 20200617
EDA3001379 20200124 San Diego Housing Commission Local Governments Local Government request for Housing Project Electric Only (Residential) Completed 20200529
EDA3003457 20191122 City of Coronado Local Governments Local Government project in support of City's GHG inventory, forecast, and climate action plan Electric and Gas (Mixed) Completed 20200313
EDA2975818 20190926 Purdue University Academic Institutions/Researchers Researcher Solar PV ProjectDue to privacy safeguards pursuant to CPUC D.14.05.16, some requested data was omitted. Electric Only (Residential) In Process
EDA2998161 20190923 City of Carlsbad Local Governments Local Government Climate Action Planning Electric and Gas (Mixed) Completed 20200616
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SDGE, a Sempra Energy Utility