SDG&E Third Party Data Request Log

For convenience, SDG&E publishes a log of customer energy usage data requests made by third parties. All requests made by third parties based on CPUC 14-05-16, including the name of the third party and the final disposition of the request, can be found here. Note that it may take up to one business day for a request to be published here after it has been submitted.

Status definitions:

  • In Review: Request is being reviewed
  • In Process: Request is in the process of being fulfilled
  • Completed: Request has been fulfilled
  • Request Incomplete: Request requires additional information to be processed
  • Denied: Request has been denied
  • Cancelled: Request has been cancelled
61 items found, displaying 1 to 10. [First/ Prev] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [Next/ Last]
Last updated on : 07/27/2024 06:07:43 AM UTC
Request ID Complete Request Received (YYYYMMDD) Requestor Name Requestor Type Request Description Energy Data Type Status Date Closed (YYYYMMDD)
EDA2460247 20170607 City of Carlsbad Local Governments  Local Government request for Climate Action Plan information update. Electric and Gas (Mixed) Completed 20171020
EDA2457632 20170522 University of California- Los Angeles Academic Institutions/Researchers Research project to examine the role California and Federal laws regulating and subsidizing the use of residential solar power  . Electric Only (Residential) Denied
EDA2456227 20170427 City of San Diego Local Governments  Local Government request for Climate Action Plan information update. Electric and Gas (Mixed) Completed 20170706
EDA2454102 20170404 University of California - San Diego Academic Institutions/Researchers  This a supplemental request. Zip codes were inadvertently omitted from original request EDA2439346. Electric Only (Residential) Completed 20170424
EDA2452924 20170314 City of Carlsbad Local Governments Local Government request for Climate Action Plan and Inventory update.  Electric and Gas (Mixed) Completed 20170511
EDA2453155 20170314 Department of Community Services and Development State and Federal Agencies  State Agency requesting utility usage data. Electric and Gas (Residential) Completed 20180209
EDA2450772 20170227 University of California Irvine Academic Institutions/Researchers Research project aims to analyze the emission cost of electricity sources.   Electric Only (Residential) Completed 20170419
EDA2439346 20170112 University of California - San Diego Academic Institutions/Researchers  Research project to determine energy consumption and use for advanced energy. Electric Only (Residential) Completed 20170406
EDA2446025 20161101 U.S. Energy Information Adminstration State and Federal Agencies Federal agency request for Residential Energy Cosnumption Survey (RECS). Electric and Gas (Residential) Completed 20161213
EDA2436613 20161028 University of California, Irvine Academic Institutions/Researchers Researcher request to investigate the presence and magnitude of neighborhood peer effects in the adoption of residential solar panel technology. Electric Only (Residential) Completed 20170320
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SDGE, a Sempra Energy Utility